Special Educational Needs
How does Worle Village Primary make provision for children with additional needs (with or without Educational Health Care Plans) and how do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for these children?
We recognise that there are a number of pupils whom specialist intervention and support may be required under our provision of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). We pride ourselves on being inclusive of all children and their individual and unique needs and we will support their learning, behaviour, social emotional or physical/medical needs. All additional support for children with SEND is coordinated by our SENCO in liaison with you as parents / carers and your child’s class teacher (see Stage 1 of our Assessment Flowchart).
All staff seek to provide high quality education for all our children. This means that children may be given differentiated tasks, work in small groups with adult support or receive a personalised curriculum delivered on a 1:1 basis with an adult. From time to time, they may be withdrawn from class to undertake a specific intervention. When needed, additional support and advice can be requested from outside agencies (see stage 5 of the Assessment flowchart).
What are Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)?
Special Educational Needs (SEN) is a legal term. It describes the needs of a child who has a difficulty or disability which makes learning harder for them than for other children their age.
SEND covers a broad spectrum of difficulty or disability. Children may have wide-ranging or specific problems. For example, a child might have difficulty with one area of learning, such as letters or numbers. Or they might have problems relating to other children, or to adults.
How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
You know your child better than anyone else so if you are in any way concerned about their learning or their behaviour, talk to their teacher in the first instance and then a meeting with yourself, your child’s class teacher and the SENCO can then be arranged. This will initiate the Information gathering stage of our SEN assessment process (see the flowchart below).
During the information gathering stage we would gather information about your child in different contexts (what they are like at home, in class etc). We would normally try to carry out some observations of your child (either by the class teacher and / or the SENCO) and, if appropriate at this time, we would carry out a special educational needs assessment using the SNAP programme (Special Educational Needs Assessment Profile).
SNAP is a computer programme designed to give a profile of your child across 24 specific learning difficulties and related factors, including self esteem. It helps us to identify clusters of difficulties and pinpoint the core features of your child’s difficulties. The assessment is carried out by questionnaires completed by you, their class teacher and by your child (with adult help). In some cases there may be specific activities / tests that we can undertake with your child to give more specific information to some parts of the questionnaire. A meeting will be arranged with you, the class teacher and the SENCO to discuss the SNAP profile and strategies and/or actions to support them would then be agreed (see Stage 2 - Planning stage of the flowchart).
What will the school do?
Schools are required by law to provide an education for all pupils, regardless of their ability or special needs. All schools should have a SEND policy. If the SENCO and your child's teacher agree that your child has SEN, the school will probably take a 'graduated approach' - this means 'step-by-step', as set out in the new Code of Practice for SEND. They will offer your child extra support, with the possibility of more support if needed. Whatever the school decides to do, you have the right to be informed and for your views, and your child's views, to be taken into account. At Stage 3 of the Assessment flowchart, it outlines how we, as a school, would undertake this graduated response. Essentially, we would action plan and carry out specific interventions and or / strategies in class that we, as a group, agree may support your child in their learning. The actions / interventions would be carried out and then reviewed after a set period of time to see if they had had any impact on your child’s learning and / or behaviour (Stage 4 of the assessment flowchart).
Once all actions / intervention have been reviewed the cycle would either begin again with new or adapted actions / interventions. If we were in doubt about what to do next or felt that more specialist help was needed we would make a referral to the Vulnerable Learners’ Service (VLS) and seek support.
You can find further information about SEN from your local Parent Partnership Service. In North Somerset this is:
How will equipment and facilities to support children and young people with SEN be secured?
We have made our school building as accessible as possible to be able to meet the needs of all pupils. It is not wheelchair accessible due to its physical layout and there are a number of stairs that children need to be able to use (Victorian building). Handrails on stairs have been installed for children with mobility difficulties.
How will parents of children with additional needs be consulted about, and involved in, the education of their children?
We feel strongly that parents should be fully involved in the school in order to gain the best possible outcomes for the children. Parents of children with additional needs will have the same opportunities to work alongside school as other parents. We hold the routine parent’s evenings, new parents visits and occasionally parent learning sessions.
In addition to this parents with children with additional needs will be invited to progress meetings at least 3 times a year. Those who have children with more complex needs may have review meetings organised by the SENCO at more regular intervals throughout the year.
How will children and young people with additional needs be consulted about, and involved in, their education?
Children are given opportunities to talk about their education at every meeting and have an involvement (depending on their ages and abilities) in contributing to the EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) if their needs are complex. Some pupils have coaching and tuition as an intervention which allows them time to think and talk about themselves as learners. Within the classroom, all pupils are encouraged to self assess and reflect upon their progress and their learning. All children with SEN will have their own pupil passports with small step plans which will help to assess and plan for their future intervention.
What are the arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with additional needs concerning the provision made at the school?
If parents have concerns about their child the first point of contact should be the class teacher. Appointments can be made by phoning the school office. If it is felt that a resolution hasn’t been reached the teacher may wish to involve another member of staff. This could be the SENCO or the Head of School.
The school’s Complaints Procedure is available from the School Office.
Under the SEN and Disability Act 2001, parents may seek advice on resolving disagreements with the LA and school through an independent mediation service. School will make further information about this process available on request.
How does the governing body involve other bodies, including health and social services, local authority support agencies and voluntary organisations, in (a) meeting the needs of pupils with additional needs, and (b) supporting the families of such pupils?
We have many visits each year from outside professionals who support us with our children with additional needs. We are quick to refer pupils who may need their input with the support and involvement of the parents/carers.
Outside professionals who are regularly involved in the school and to whom children can be referred to are:
Community Paediatrics Team
Speech and Language
Occupational Therapy
Educational Psychology
Vulnerable Learners Service- Advisory Teachers
Community Family Support
Social Care
School Nursing Team
Learning Mentor at school
Rainbow room at school
Young Carers
Although we cannot refer children to CAMHS, we have good communication with CAMHS and will invite professionals involved with our pupils to review meetings in school.
Contact details of all support services for the parents of pupils with additional needs, including those for arrangements made in Clause 32 (advice and information for parents and young people).
SENCO: Mr Alan Milne
Community Paediatrics, Drove Road Tel: 01934 881340
CAMHS: 01934 881262 (or gain a referral through your GP).
Speech and Language: 01934 881306
Supportive Parents: 0117 989 7725
Vulnerable Learners Service: 01934 884541
Community Family Support Team: 01934 426760
SEN Governor: Ryan Gillett
What are the school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with additional needs in transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood and independent living?
For Reception (EYFS) children, those with additional needs may already be on a link programme with North Somerset and a transfer meeting will be arranged to ensure all information is shared prior to their start. A transition plan will be agreed with additional visits to ensure the transfer is successful. We hold tours of the school for new parents, an opportunity to meet key staff and to meet other parents in a relaxed environment in the summer term. Pre-school visits are carried out by teachers and LSAs in the summer terms. The SENCO will also attend these visits if deemed appropriate. The SENCO and/or the EYFS leader will visit the pupil in their nursery setting and discuss their needs with their staff.
We have strong links to the local Secondary schools to prepare pupils for Secondary Transfer. For pupils with additional needs they are given the opportunity to visit their school in a small group before the main transition day. All records are passed on and discussed with the SENCO/INCO at the receiving school. For more complex children or children who have EHCP’s the Secondary school SENCO will be invited to attend all school review meetings during the final year at the Primary School.
Where is the local authority’s local offer published?
Click here to view North Somerset's local offer for SEND.
School Accessibility Plan
The SEND and inclusion policy can be found on the KMAT website through the link below