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Safeguarding and GDPR Statement

At Worle Village Primary School we take the protection and safety of our children very seriously.  Our Child Protection Policy outlines the procedures and systems in place to monitor the safety of our children.  The Headteacher is the Designated Lead responsible for child protection issues.  There is also a Governor responsible for child protection.  We work closely with parents and outside agencies in this matter.  All staff receive regular child protection training.  All adults working with children at WVPS undergo an enhanced DBS check before they are allowed to work with our children.  We follow national and local government safer recruitment guidelines.


If the school has any safeguarding or child protection concerns then it will contact the parent or carer in the first instance.  The school has a duty to refer serious concerns to the North Somerset Council Social Care Team.

Safeguarding Staff

Designated Safeguarding Lead -  Mrs Susan Elliott, Executive Head and KMAT Safeguarding Executive Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Rachel Jones, Head of School

Deputy Duty Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Danielle Read, SLT


If you have any safeguarding concerns you can email our designated safeguarding email address.


Safeguarding Policy

Useful Links
