What does your child learn at school? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
WVPS Curriculum Big Ideas for each Subject

The National Curriculum currently covers core subjects of Maths, English, Science, P.E., ICT and RE. Foundation subjects are History, Geography, Design Technology, Art, Modern Foreign Languages, Citizenship and Music.
At Worle Village we provide a curriculum that revolves around the children’s interests whilst still ensuring National Curriculum coverage. We have taken the time to create engaging, inspiring topics that increase children’s curiosity and make them ask big questions that expand their thinking and develop them across all subjects.
Our curriculum is run on a 2 year rolling programme so year groups have opportunities to work together and allows for all areas to be covered. They include ‘WOW’ days that give children first hand experiences to extend and enrich their learning and encourage children to become experts in their field of study.
In the last few years we have seen explorers take to the woods, travels into giant maps, visits from people from the past, evacuees fleeing from WW2 bombs, experiencing life in a trench, excavating fossils, building Tudor houses, finding Roman coins, becoming Victorians, celebrating black history, creating Arabic tales, making volcanoes and hosting our own VE day. And that is only the beginning…
We are a ‘Learning without Limits’ school and therefore endeavour to involve the children in their learning. At the end of each term they help us to plan for the next term. Providing their ideas, questions and topics they want to know more about. Then we fit the curriculum around this allowing for learning with enjoyment so children develop a ‘love for learning!’
Our achievement of heritage school’s status shows our commitment to ensuring children have a grasp of the past not just further afield but within their own communities so they can understand how things came to be and where they stand within it. A sense of identity is essential to a child’s well-being.
We are also beginning to embed philosophy within the curriculum which has been shown to improve children’s overall achievement. It allows for critical thinking and analysis while developing acceptance of others views and opinions. Children develop skills to work collaboratively and explore their world.
Curriculum Overview
For details on how we integrate the Equality Act 2010 & SEN into our curriculum please head to the KMAT SEND and inclusion policy via the link below
Please see our links to topics below to find out more.
Further detail on the exact content of the curriculum to be taught is provided in the termly topic webs which are published, in the class sections of the website, in the first week of each term.