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Meet our Eco Warriors from year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Making the most of the school holidays one of our warriors is out and about picking up litter from our local beach.

Cut Your Carbon National Campaign 6th - 10th Feb

Thank you for all your kind donations.  We collected 168kg of clothes and helped save our environment.

Proud Winners

We are so proud to be presented our Bronze award by Modeshift Stars.  This demonstrates our commitment to sustainable travel.

To find out more use the link below:

Environmental Policy

Travel Tracker

We are delighted to be able to take part in the Living Streets, the charity for walking to school, travel tracker.

Each day the children will record how they travel to school; walk, walk and stride, cycle, car etc.  If they record one active travel per week for a month they will be awarded a WOW badge.  

For more information see the letter below or follow the link;




Chosen from 116k entries our lovely Lena was one of eleven winners whose art will be made into badges for next year's travel tracker awards.  Congratulations Lena your art work is amazing.

Buy Pre-loved uniform

You can now purchase pre-loved uniform anytime of the year by following the link below.



Supporting the Big Garden Bird Watch

Making Bird Feeders

On Monday 21st November Debbie Apted from Cleaner Coastline came into school to present to the children information about what happens to rubbish not disposed of properly.  She brought into school items that she has found on beach cleans (Sand Bay); crisp packets with an expiry date of 2002 and a plastic lid with Spanish writing, could it have come all the way from Spain?

Thank you Debbie for a wonderful and informative assembly.

On Thursday 1st December we welcomed, via Teams, Fairtrade.  They presented information all about why Fairtrade is important, what items are labelled Fairtrade and how to identify them when they are out shopping with family.

A very informative assembly which engaged all the children.  Thank you.

Our Eco-School Action Plan

Our Eco Code
