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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


Use of Pupil Premium

The pupil premium provides additional per pupil funding on top of existing funding allocated to schools.  Schools are free to spend the additional funding as they choose to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils. The amount of funding available to us is based on the number of pupils in the school who are eligible for free school meals. We use this money in the following ways:


  • Providing extra support in the form of a Learning Mentor and Speech and Language time,
  • Additional support for learning (if necessary),
  • Support with the cost towards school trips / activities,
  • Support with the cost of school uniform if required,
  • Look to offer experiences that enhance a pupils cultural capital to develop and grow,
  • Support and encourage pupils that need a challenge,
  • Provide learning resources throughout the school to support progress and attainment,
  • Provide any support for chidlren who have parents in the armed forces.


The additional expenditure last year enabled children’s attainment to be raised as they have fewer barriers to learning and more access to individual support. The funding was not only specific to FSM or pupils from other vulnerable groups because it has become a trend in Worle Village Primary that non-FSM pupils are being out performed by FSM. All pupils are assessed regularly as individuals and are provided for according to individual need.


The impact of the pupil premium money spent last year has allowed us to 'Narrow the Gap' between the attainment of free school meal children and non free school meal children and those children whose parents are in the forces. 
