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Puffin Year 6 Mrs Read & Mrs Manning

Welcome to Puffin Class!


Mrs Read - Teacher Mon- Wed

Mrs Manning - Teacher Thurs - Fri

Mrs Hawkins - HLTA  

Mr Harper - LSA



The Y6 team are here to help and support

every child to reach their potential. Please 

let us know if there is anything we can do to 

assist you child with their learning


Term 3 & 4 Topic Web

Term 3 & 4 Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 SATs Meeting 2023

Reading is so important

Reading is a key skill as it affects all areas of day to day life.  As a school, we promote a love of reading and encourage children to read a wide range of different genres.

When children can read fluently with good understanding, they self-select books from our well stocked library.  

We still encourage children in Y6 to read out loud to an adult at home to continue to share that love of reading. We read whole class texts as well as group texts in guided reading sessions. 


Currently Reading....


Read so far...



Other texts we recommend reading with your Year 6 child are...



We always encourage children to learn to spell correctly.  Y6 children have weekly spellings looking at the spelling rules which are then tested the following week through dictation.

To support them and let them have some fun while learning we use an online program called Spelling Shed.  This can be accessed at home, using the link below.  Please see your class teacher for login details.

Spelling Shed


Attending School 

The school day starts at 8.40am

Let the school office know if your child is not attending and the reason for absence.

The school day ends at 15.15.  


Please bring a coat daily as we will go out for physical activity every day - what ever the weather. 


Year 6 PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor)

In Y6, we ask the children wear their PE kit's to school. 


We do PE in all types of weather so please ensure your child has suitable PE kit. 

In the Summer months we recommend shorts and t-shirt and in the winter joggers with t-shirt and navy hoodie. 

Trainers must be worn.  


An example of our kit, which can be purchased from NK Sports, is above or your child needs a plain white or yellow t-shirt and blue/navy/black shorts/joggers. Year 6 must not be wearing their Leavers hoodies for PE lessons. 


We are also skipping for two minutes per day, as part of Skip to be Fit and complete the Daily Mile.   
