Year 4 Mrs Doolan
Welcome to Penguin Class
Mrs Doolan - Teacher
Mrs Hawkins - HLTA
Miss Karen Wallington - LSA
Attending School
The school day starts at 8.40am.
Please do NOT send your child to school if they are unwell. Let the school office know if your child is not attending and the reason for absence.
The school day ends at 15.15.
Please ensure your child is wearing warm clothes and sensible footwear.
Term 3 and 4 Water, Water, Water Knowledge Organisers
Incredible Invaders - Why do people invade?
(History Topic - Terms 1 and 2)
Raise the Roof! (Terms 3 and 4)
Towards the end of Term 4 we'll be taking part in North Somerset's Raise the Roof music event - a singing celebration for classes of Year 3s and 4s across Weston. I've linked some of the songs below so you can have a practice at home (if you so wish!)
Class Reads (Terms 3 and 4)
This term we are reading:
Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird which is helping our imaginations run wild as we learn more about our water-themed topic.
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White will be our next read - a great book recommended for all Year 4 readers! Let's see how many of us end up vegetarian by the end of it!
Class Reads (Terms 1 and 2)
On top of daily guided reading sessions, we have been really enjoying listening to stories related to our topic and those recommened for Year 4.
After the Fall by Dan Santat helped us explore the idea of getting up and trying again when things get tough.
Tudor Tales by Terry Deary was a really funny book all about a family in Henry VIII's time who tried to con people out of their money using a coffin and a fake knife! This game taught us all about Merelles too - a board game from the Tudor era.
Diver's Daughter by Patrice Lawrence helped us explore the life of a young black girl growing up in 16th century London.
Macbeth rewritten by Andrew Matthews was a story we explored around Halloween, with even a visit by 3 witches!
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis has inspired us to write some fantasy/adventure stories, and we had a taste of some Turkish delight to see what Edmund was on about.
Midsummer Night's Dream rewritten by Andrew Matthews also helped us explore not only the fantasy genre but also helped us learn more about Shakespeare's importance to the English language.
Recommended reads
Reading is a key skill as it affects all areas of day to day life. As a school we promote a love of reading and encourage children to read a wide range of different genres. We especially recommend these books for Y4 aged children:
Times tables
Being able to recall the times tables is a HUGE skill and will have benefits across all areas of the maths curriculum. In Year 4 the expectation is that children can recall their times tables up to 12x fluently - with mathematical fluency one of our school's focus areas. Please make sure you complete your speed tables each week, with each table being completed on a different day to make sure you have enough spaced repetition to really embed those multiplications. If you need any help supporting them with strategies to learn their times tables, please ask and thank you for your support.
With a lot of help from Ms Clough at North Somerset Music Service, we are learning how to play the ukulele! Mr Feeley has had a very busy summer picking up how to play it and by Christmas we'll know how to pluck and strum the strings, the 4 most important chords and will be able to play plenty of songs.
Physical Education
We have at least two PE lessons per week - these are currently Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child's kit is in school at all times to enable us to be flexible.
We do PE in all types of weather so please ensure your child has suitable PE kit. In the Summer months we recommend shorts and t-shirt and in the winter long trousers with t-shirt and hoodie. Trainers or daps should be worn. All kit should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
We are also skipping for two minutes per day, as part of Skip to be Fit and running a mile around the playground to travel the world.
Snacks & Drinks
As a healthy eating school, we encourage children to drink throughout the day. Water is the best drink for children to have as it is the healthiest and if spilt does not attract ants or wasps! They can also bring in a piece of fruit to eat at break time. (No Sweets, fruit rolls etc).
Useful Links